Twisted Pines Winery Car Show

398 FM2983
Marshall, TX 75672
Check-in – 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Judging – 11:30 PM – 1:00 PM
Raffle and Auction – 1:30 PM – 2 PM
Awards Presentation approx. 2:00 PM

Advance registration is now closed.
There is a LOT of room for your vehicle. Please join us. We need this time to get the goody bags for pre-registrants put together and printing our paperwork.

Twisted Pines Winery will be open. Wine, assorted beverages, and lunch available for purchase!
Goody bags for first 30 advance registrants.

There is plenty of space for trailers to park, well away from the display areas.
Questions? Call 903-634-7665